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An Activity is a part of a Lesson. It may contain content for students, teachers, or both.

Order (within a Lesson) is important, so when activities are represented within a document for a lesson the structure should maintain the intended order. Otherwise see section on ordered aggregation in structuring aggregations.

The closest type to oer:Lesson is CreativeWork, of which it is a subtype, and so oer:Lesson inherits all properties of CreativeWork and may be used wherever the range of a property includes CreativeWork.



Property Type Description
identifier Text | URL | PropertyValue Any kind of identifier (uuid, url, etc).
url URL URL of the item.
name Text The name of the item.
alternateName Text An alias for the item.
description Text A description of the item.
about Thing The subject matter of the content.
accessibilitySummary Text A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as “short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users” or “short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed.”
audience EducationalAudience An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom the resource being described was created. Use the educationalRole property of the EducationalAudience object to state whether the intended audience is teacher, student, parent, etc. See the LRMI Educational Audience Role concept scheme for more values.
author Organization or Person The author of the activity.
citation CreativeWork or Text A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc.
contributor Organization or Person A secondary contributor to the activity
dateCreated Date The date on which the resource was created.
dateModified Date The date on which the resource was updated.
educationalAlignment AlignmentObject An alignment to an established educational framework. The alignment object can be used to provide information such as educational- (grade-) level of the activity and competences being taught or assessed
educationalUse Text The purpose of the work in the context of education. Ex: “assignment”, “group work”. Special values: progressive: the activity is worked on throughout the class, and not as a one-off task; texts: the activity is a reference text.
encoding MediaObject A media object that encodes this activity. Use when the same activity is available as digital documents in different formats.
hasPart CreativeWork Indicates a CreativeWork that is part of this activity (in some sense). Inverse property: isPartOf.
inLanguage Language or Text The language of the content of the activity. Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
isBasedOn CreativeWork or URL A resource from which this activity is derived or of which it is a modification or adaption.
isPartOf CreativeWork Indicates a CreativeWork that this activity is (in some sense) part of. Inverse property: hasPart.
keywords Text Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.
learningResourceType Text The predominant type or kind characterizing the activity.
provider Organization The service provider, service operator, or service performer; the goods producer. Use to identify the Organization which is responsible for providing the educational input for the activity, e.g. providing content, educational events, assessments, accreditation etc.
publisher Organization The organization credited with publishing the activity.
timeRequired Duration Approximate or typical time it takes to work with or through this activity for the typical intended target audience, e.g. ‘P30M’, ‘PT1H25M’.
typicalAgeRange Text The typical expected age in years of the learners on this activity. For OCX the suggestion is to use a list to indicate a closed range of ages, e.g. [“9”,”10”,”11”], and values like “18-“ for an open range.
oer:assessedBy oer:Assessment The assessment for this activity.
gradingFormat oer:GradeFormat | Text | asn:Rubric The grading format for this activity
ocx:material ocx:AssociatedMaterial Material assiociated with a resource which is SupplementalMaterial, ReferencedMaterial or SupportingMaterial
ocx:optionality Text Whether the activity is optional. Special values: optional.
ocx:totalPoints Number How many points the activity is worth when grading
ocx:assignmentModality Text Describes the way an assignment is presented. Special values: read-listen, annotation, discussion, graphic organizer, short answer, essay, presentation, multiple choice
ocx:collaborationType Text Describes how an activity is collaborated on. Special values: independent: the activity is worked on individually by a student; pair: the activity is worked on by a pair of students; group: the activity is worked on by a group of students; class: the activity is worked on by the entire class.
oer:forCourse oer:Course The Course in which the resource is meant for.
doTask Task Which tasks are to be completed for a LearningComponent
hasLearningObjective LearningObjective A LearningObjective gained as a result of an InstructionalPattern .
forTopic Topic The Topic the resource is associated with.
cc:license Text | License A Work has license a License (a subproperty of dc:license, the same as xhtml:license).
cc:morePermissions Text A related resource which describes additional permissions or alternative licenses for a Work which may be available.
cc:attributionName Text The name the creator of a Work would like used when attributing re-use.
cc:attributionURL URL The URL the creator of a Work would like used when attributing re-use.
cc:useGuidelines Text A related resource which defines non-binding use guidelines for the work.

This description is available in CSV format.

Non-preferred properties

The following OER Schema properties should not be used as there are similar properties in

OER Schema Property preferred equivalent
duration learningTime (from CreativeWork)
hasComponent hasPart (from CreativWork)
forComponent isPartOf (from CreativeWork)
prerequisite coursePrerequisites (from Course)
parentOf hasPart (from CreativeWork)
childOf isPartOf (from CreativeWork)
all properties of oer:Thing all have equivalents in Thing


See also examples for Assessment.


!!! note “Editor’s note:” DRAFT EXAMPLE, needs checking & validating.

  "@context": [
      "oer": "",
      "cc": ""
  "@type": ["oer:Activity", "CreativeWork"],
  "@id": "",
  "identifier": {
    "@type": "PropertyValue",
    "propertyID": "UnboundEd resource identifier",
    "value": "56"
  "name": "Homework",
  "learningResourceType": ["Activity","Student Handout"],
  "educationalUse": "Homework",
  "audience": {
    "@type": "EducationalAudience",
    "educationalRole": "student"
  "isPartOf": {
    "@id": ""

Markup for

{"todo": true}